about the dots between

Artist: Jaewook Lee

The dots between is a financial coaching program for artists who are motivated to address their financial practices, nurture their relationship with money, and establish the structures that will support their long term fiscal health. The program is administered virtually for six-months and offered at no cost for artists of any medium, career stage and location.

The program meets monthly for workshops on overall financial literacy and managing uneven income, followed by deep dives into home ownership, reducing debt, retirement planning and financial planning for family members. Monthly group shares will be offered for fellows to connect, share resources, and find collaborators. Expert guest speakers will present on tax and legal issues, gallery representation, museum representation, grant funding, residencies and best practices on charging for your time. For more details on content, see the applying tab.

the dots between program outline

We will explore these core topics:

  1. Investing in self- how to put your financial well being as a core element in every stage of your career.
  2. Budgeting- creating a pie chart of your current revenue sources and one with your ideal- what are the steps you need to take to get from the current to the ideal?
  3. Planning for the future- creating a nest egg that can support your artistic practice and investment strategies to save for your retirement.
  4. Strengthening key relationships and finding new ones- who are the institutions, organizations and individuals who are most aligned with your work and vision, how do you make a path towards them?
  5. Language about your practice- deepening your vision statement, placing your work within a larger context to bring in new allies and support systems. Why it matters that you are the one doing this work.
background image looking out a window made of stone in new mexico.

is this right for you?

Are you so busy working in your abundant art practice that you aren’t taking the time to invest in building sustainable financial supports that will ensure your long term thriving?
Are you ready to take responsibility for your knowledge of financial systems and how they might best support you?
Do you want more agency around the audiences you choose, the impact you make and the communities you reach with your work?
If you won a MacArthur “genius” award tomorrow, would you know what to do with the money?
Do you want a network of artists asking the same questions you are on navigating your field of practice and figuring it out together?


"I really appreciate that I can ask questions beyond my art practice and we can talk about financial concerns within my family life. The program is not just benefiting me but my whole family and that is an amazing gift I was not expecting."

Arista Slater-Sandoval

"The program has opened my eyes on how to manage my finances and art work. I feel more confident about getting paid and not being afraid of asking for the money that I think my work is worth. Also I have been able to create a much healthier financial dialogue at home with my partner."

Carolina Aranibar Fernandez

"Since starting this fellowship, I have begun to consider my relationship with money as a spiritual practice. Money is one element of wealth and to really be spiritually and emotionally abundant, I need to work on that relationship. I feel like I'm learning how to talk about and appreciate the resource that helps keep a roof over my head and food in my stomach."

Faylita Hicks


The dots between began at the start of COVID-19 when Santa Fe cancelled its major art markets. Knowing that these art markets were often the sole source of income for participants, I created a 6 month program to help artists diversify their revenue sources and strengthen their financial understanding to emerge strongly from the pandemic. Staff members and former awardees at Creative Capital gave early advice to help create a pipeline of artists in the Southwest who could apply and win the Creative Capital award. I am also grateful to the Founding Advisors and Fellows who gave their time and expertise to shape, promote and grow the program.


This program was developed as an offering. Financial advice can be the most expensive advice to attain, while artists are often asked to give their time and work for free--no matter how established they are. I like  flipping that narrative and giving away the knowledge I have gained in the financial services sector to anyone who is interested. As the daughter of two artists, this feels natural to me, as well as a way to create a more just and equitable world. My other intention was to create groups of people who could support one another and recommend each other for networks and opportunities. Which brings me to outcomes...


In addition to increased financial knowledge, ability to plan for the future, and clearing up past credit issues or debt problems, fellows in this program have collaborated on projects together, nominated one another for awards and residencies, grown their national networks and felt an increased sense of agency over their careers and what they charge. Some common themes expressed by members of the group include, "I could bring my whole self to this program without shame or fear", "This program is different than any other in the sense of self worth it fostered", "I was able to change negative patterns around money, not just for myself, but also for my family."

Tamara Bates

I want to bring financial health to the artistic visionaries who are changing our world.  Artists may not pay enough attention to creating a solid foundation for themselves and as a result, the change they seek to create-- vital to our society-- is undermined.

Using my knowledge of fundraising for the arts and my training and practice as a financial advisor for the largest investment firms in the world, I seek to align creative visionaries with a financial foundation at every stage of their careers.

I understand the flow of money and how capital works from all these different perspectives. The thing that lights me up the most is helping others find support for their vision-- that has been the central theme of my different career paths.
Portrait of Tamara Bates by Simon S Sotelo
Portrait by Simon S Sotelo
Questions? Email tamara@thedotsbetween.com